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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Class Evaluation Final Part 1

Class Evaluation
Final Part 1
  • What i like about this class is that everyone is in a good mood and were in a positive environment. What I didn't like about this class was that the class only last for 1 hour and 40 minutes.
  •  I don't think this class needs improvements.
  • yes i really think i didn't try my best in this class but there were some room for improvements. 
  • Yes, i am committed to being a ctr person because I feel better when I'm choosing the right.

Monday, December 14, 2015

IDP Experience

IDP Experience
The IDP was horrible because I literally said my name like five times, that's how nerves I was. I kept stuttering in all my sentences and I couldn't pronounce some of the words. I guess it was because I didn't study or practice either. My  team members did great and i think they saved my butt. Our creative element was a live skit. I was kinda nervous but when I got up there i got into it.

Always do right

Student Success Statement
"Always do right."
-Mark Twain

I think what Mark Twain means is that you should always do the right thing every if it comes with sacrifices. Those sacrifices will then be for the better. Like for example, lets say you have your finals coming up but some of your friends want to go to the movies. The right thing to do is to stay home and study even if its boring. That is a sacrifice that will help you in the long run. Success or happiness comes with a lot of sacrifice. By always doing right your already getting closer to your goals. The only way to do something is the right way or else your not doing it at all. If your always doing the wrong and not doing something right then you might as well not do it. For example lets say your coach tells you to run for a hour without stopping, and instead you walk and you take brakes. Then your not doing it right, so why as well not do it. Success comes to those who are willing to work right.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

If we do what's right, we have no need to fear

Student Success Statement
"If we do what's right, we have no need to fear."
-Evan Stephens

If you always do what is right than you have nothing to fear at all. If your doing something wrong then you feel guilty and scared. That you will get caught doing something wrong. A good example about not fearing when your doing something good, would be like if you have a essay due tomorrow. But you finished it so you can just relax and not worry. But there might be a kid who hasn't done the essay and is all scared and worried. If he would have just did it earlier he wouldn't have to worry if you will finish it in time or not. In the other hand the kid who did finish it in time, has no need to be worried or scared. That is the way I look at this statement. I agree with Evan Stephens, his statement is completely true.

Friday, December 4, 2015

The 3 Questions

Student Success Statement
The 3 Questions:

1. Can people trust me to do what's right?
2. Am I committed to doing my very best?
3. Do I treat people the way I want to be treated?

"If the answer to these questions are YES, there is no way you can fail." -Lou Holtz

Lou Holtz means that if you are trustworthy you can do no wrong. You can never go wrong with being committed to doing your best. If your committed to always doing your best then you will always become successful. Another great aspect to have if you don't want to fail is treat people the way you want to be treated. This aspect can help you gain respect and new friends. You can do no wrong by treat people the same way your treating them. The only way to winning every day is to have all three of those aspects. You can never fail if your treating people the way you want to be treated because that makes people want to be around you. If your trustworthy than you will have a lot of open doors. I say yes to all the three. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Physical Fitness

Physical Fitness
Student Success Statement

"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. The relationship between the soundness of the body and the activities of the mind is subtle and complex. Much is not yet understood. But we do know what the Greeks knew: that intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong." -President John F. Kennedy

If you don't maintain a great physical fitness you have a better chance on being confident. If your health your more 




Italy's name comes from the root word "land of young cattle". Some people think Italy was named after the name Italus, which was a early king of the region. Italy is the fourth top populated place in Europe. Mostly because of high rated birth-rate and low-rated deaths. Rome, Italy is known for all their Trevi fountains. Italy stands on a fault line which causes a lot of earthquakes and volcano eruptions. Italy has the highest mountain in all of Europe. Italy is overwhelmed with 50 million tourist visiting every year. Italy's most popular sport is Soccer. Christmas is the most celebrated holiday in Italy. Italy was the first place to put tomato sauce in their pasta in 1600's. I selected Italy because I've never been there and it looks like a beautiful place to visit. Also because i would want to see the Eiffel tower. 

Monday, November 30, 2015

kindness is the essence of greatness

Student Success Statement
"kindness is the essence of greatness."
Joseph B. Wirthlin
I think what Joseph says is true because if your not kind them your can't be greatness. For example Diana isn't kind because she always saying that I suck. But in the other hand Alexa is nice(Kinda). Joseph is also true because kindness worth more than anything else. Without kindness the rest of your qualities are just a blur.
Thanksgiving Week

During the Thanksgiving Week I went to park to ball up because #ballislife. I went to the Christmas parade in h.p. with my family. I went to go watch a fight. Mostly I stayed home finishing up my homework. On Thanksgiving we went to my aunts house with my family and we stayed there till 3 am. After that we decided to go to Black Friday. I met some of my new family members.

Thursday, November 19, 2015


The first thanksgiving was in Plymoth Rock, Massachusetts in 1621. Thanksgiving is celebrated in several countries including Canada, United States, Liberia, The Netherlands, Germany, Japan, The Norfolk Islands. The pilgrims use to celebrate Thanksgiving after harvest and surviving a long winter. Thanksgiving always lands on the fourth Thursday in November. Many people have different family traditions in thanksgiving day. 

Reflection: I am thankful for:
  •  My health 
  • A house 
  • Comida 
  • Basketball
  • School
  • Clothes
  • Family
  • Life

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing

Student Success Statement
"Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing."
-Chick Moorman

Reflection: An example of what Chick Moorman means is that what the outcome in a game or life, the thing that is more valuable than winning or losing is doing the right thing. If you are fair and honorable you automatically win. You don't need a metal to tell you, you won it's what you think about yourself after the match that counts. If you tried your hardest played, fair, and right then what ever the outcome is wouldn't matter because you know you were fair and you gave it your all. For example if you didn't play right, cheated and not honorable but you won, it would feel like if you won because you'll feel horrible. 

Friday, November 13, 2015

3 magic keys to living your life with integrity

Student Success Statement
1. Have the courage to say no.
2. Have the courage to face the truth. 
3. Do the right thing because it is right.
W. Clement Stone

 Reflection: W. Clement Stone is trying to teach us that the top three ways too have integrity, is to be brave to say no. Even if your scared what people might think about you for saying no. Not even one is going to agree with you decisions, but if its the right thing to do, you shouldn't what others might think. He also says to have courage to face the truth, which in my understanding he means that you should never be scared to own up to something you did good or bad. You should never lie about something that is false. Facing the truth means to own up to your false acts but also to never lie about something even if its just a fib. Clement Stone also indicates that to do the right thing because it is right, what Clements Stone means is to also do the right thing, even in tough situations. Doing the right thing because you know it is right is the best way to have integrity because it shows that your better than the people who are ctw. Doing the right thing is about doing the right when everyone else is choosing the wrong.  

Business Owner

Business Owner

Duties and Responsibilities: Most business owners are responsible for answering phone calls, filling paperwork,buying office supplies, answering customer request.

Salary: Business owners make up to 68,000 dollars a year, depending on how successful your business is.

Education: Even though you don't need a college degree, it's more of a benefit to have one so you could understand your business more. Some of the various educational career paths are getting an associates degree, bachelors or masters degree in business administration, management or related field. 

 Reflection: I would love to be a business owner because business is always something I wanted to study in. I also know that I could use my leadership skip in this type of career.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Veterans Day

Veterans Day

  •  Veterans day is the holiday that is held on the day that world war I ended (November 11) to honor the US veterans and victims from the war. 
  • Veterans day is held on November 1
  • The purpose of veterans day is to honor all the veterans and victims who fought during the war.
  • It's important to show honor because millions of soldiers died saving our life this day.
  •  Some of the ways to show honor on veterans day would be by:
  1. Appreciate all the veterans 
  2. Spending time with your love ones
  3.  Donating to a veterans foundation
  4. Learn more about WWI

  • What interests me the most about veterans day is the way millions of people died but yet no one really knows how to celebrate veterans day.

Friday, November 6, 2015

He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed

Student Success Statement
"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but
a companion of fools shall be destroyed."
-Proverbs 13:20
Reflection: Another way of stating this would be, what ever crowd you choose to hang around with will determine the way you act. For example if you choose to hang around people who do dumb stuff, then eventually you will do the same. So the people that you hang around with the most has a huge impact on the type of person you are or that you will become. If you decide to hang around smart, responsible people you are more likely to start becoming more smart and responsible yourself. Most of the time you do stuff because others tell you to. This could be a good thing but this could also be a bad thing. All depending on the type of people you hang around with all the time. Most kids try to be a follower to the group and that could get some into trouble. That's only if he or she is hang with the wrong crowd. For example lets say if your hanging out with a good crowd, they probably would encourage you to start doing good things. So my advice would be to hang around people that you know are good and that you feel comfortable with. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The best recreation is to do good

Student Success Statement
"The best recreation is to do good."
-William Penn 

Reflection: William Penn means that if you do good, then you be able to enjoy yourself better. If you do bad you will feel bad and you won't been having as much fun as if you were doing good. The most enjoyable thing to do is to do good. One example of doing good to have recreation would be something like walking an old lady down the street. Another good example of having fun by doing good, would be by helping your mom out with chores. One example for doing bad and feeling bad would be, like no doing your homework. Also an example would be something like having to sit on the bench because you didn't go to practice. So the only real way to feel good, is by believe you did good. If you don't think you did good then you'll just be destine to doing bad. The only way to feel good and having fun is knowing you did something good.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it

Student Success Statement
"Right is right, even if everyone is against it; 

and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it."
William Penn

Reflection: Even if everyone is choosing wrong doesn't make it right for you to choosing wrong as well. For example if everyone is talking when the teacher told them not to, doesn't mean you should talk with them. The right thing to do would be to them to stop talking. Don't be a follower, be a leader. Another example would be if your friends decide to drink, and all of them are drinking. Only because they're all doing it, doesn't mean it's the right thing. Sometimes people do stuff because they see others doing it, but that doesn't mean they're all choosing the right. Most of the time people are going to be against you doing the right only because they're choosing to do the wrong. You should always choosing the right even if everyone else is doing the wrong thing. Don't ever be peer pressured into doing something. 


Health Educator

Health Educator

Duties and Responsibilities: A health educator is in charge on discussing with health specialists and civic group to determine community health needs. They also design and conduct evaluations and diagnostic studies to access the quality of performance of health education programs.

Salary: Health Educators earn up to 41,830 a year.

Education: You need a bachelor's degree of higher in health education, public health education or health promotion.

 Reflection: No I wouldn't like to be a health educator because it looks like a hassle.  

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often

Student Success Statement 
" Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often."
Peter Vidmar

Reflection: What this statement indicates is that you should never left your concious stop you from reaching your goal. For example if you know you have to study for a test but your concious is telling you to go hang out with your friends. Then you go hang out with them, that's an example of letting your wants get in the way with your goals. Peter V. also says that you should write down your goals down, to remind you what is most important.

Healthcare Administrator

Healthcare Administrator

Duties and Responsibilities: Their duties are to set goals and too communicate with the other employees of how they can accomplish those goals. Their also in charge of budgeting, scheaduling, information managment. They are also in charge telling all the rest of the employees to do their jobs.

Salary: Healthcare Administrators earn up to 64,821 per year

Education: You need a master's degree in public health or business, hospitals or nursing administration. 

Reflection: I wouldn't mind being a healthcare administrator becasue they get paid good. Also because their in charge of everyone and i think being a leader is somthing im good with.

Friday, October 23, 2015

A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches

Student Success Statement
"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches."
Proverbs 22:1

Reflection: Great riches isn't everything, but a good name for yourself is everything. It means more than having a cornucopia of money. Having a great name that people remember you by, has more satisfaction than riches. Proverbs 22:1 is trying to say that a good name is something that could bring you more happiness then riches. You will also feel more proud about having a good name rather then having riches. A good name could give you stuff that riches will never give you.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Student Sucess Statement

"A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life"
Mike Krzyzewski
Reflection: Mike Krzyzewski indicates that having a good name for yourself is far way better than anything else you can get. What he's also trying to say is that

Monday, October 19, 2015


"If your so-called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow."
Thomas S. Monson

Reflection: I think what Thomas S. Monson is  trying to say, is that you shouldn't be a follower. Especially when the person your following is choosing the wrong. Instead what you should be doing is showing the person and every one else who is choosing the wrong, to choose the right. Don't be a follower, be a leader. Another idea that I think Thomas means by this statement, is that you should always be a ctr leader. Always be a great example for others to follow. He also mentions that sometimes when your choosing the right, you gunna stand alone sometimes. You have to be brave enough to be able to stand alone, while ctr. When Thomas says " Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow" he means that you should be a leader of choosing the right, when everyone else is choosing the wrong. You should also stand up for what you believe, don't fall back into following someone who's choosing the wrong, when you want to be choosing the right. 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

CTR champion

Student Success Statement
"A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself."
Noemi Trigueros

This quote indicates that the only way to become a CTR champion is to always make a great human out of yourself. Noemi also mentions that if you make a great human out of your automatically a CTR champion. The most important champion is a CTR champion.

ENT Specialist

Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Specialist

Duties and Responsibilities: Diagnose and treat numerous conditions that have to do with the head and the neck including the superior respiratory infections. They also balance your hearing problems, and also thyroid problems. They work till about 50 hours a week. 

Salary: They get payed about $184,650 each year.

Education: Well for starters you need to graduate from high school and you need to attend college. You need your bachelors degree, and then you need to go to medical school. After medical school, you need to have completed your medical residency. Practice medicine and then get a board certificate.

Reflection: No I would want to become a ENT specialist because I'm not really interested in becoming or studying to become one. Besides it takes a long time to become one. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Success is not an accident.

"Success is not an accident. Success is actually a choice. Are the habits you have today on par with the dreams you have tomorrow?"
Alan Stein

Reflection: What Alan Stein means by this quote is that success doesnt come by itself, it comes from hard work. Success comes from the hours you put in doing what you want to get better at. He also means that all the habits you have today, determine where you'll be later on in life. Alan Stein means that you can choose to succeed by working hard and by making it a habit. If you dont do those two things, you won't become successful. The reason why people aren't always successful because they don't make it a habit and they don't work hard. For example, if you decide to stop practicing basketball and the next week you have a game, and your missing all you shots. Its more than likely because you didn't practice. Just like success is a choice, being unsuccessful is a choice too. I believe the only true way to becoming successful is by working hard and working on it every single day if you want to or not. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

CTR is always the right thing to do

"Choosing the right is always the right thing to do."
Alex Linares

Reflection: Alex Linares is indicating that the only think right to do is to do what right. As in always do the right thing. For example if your friends are going out and you still have to finish your homework, you should choose the right. Stay home and finish your homework. Choosing the right will always be your best chose.



Duties and Responsibilities: Refer patients to other specialist, if needed. Their jobs are also to record patients' health histories. They also need to recommend a diagnostic test to patients' if necessary. 

Salary: $283,000 yearly 

Education: You must have a go to college and earn a bachelors degree. Then go to medical school, and become a medical doctor or a doctor of osteopathic medicine. 

Reflection: I won't want to be a dermatologist because you would have to be in school for a long time. I wouldn't want to be in school for that long.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Obedience is central to happiness

"Obedience is central to becoming, being, and remaining happy."
David Bednar

Reflection: I think what David is trying to say is that the only way to be happy in life to choose the right. By being obedient you wouldn't feel guilty or you wouldn't have regrets in life. One example of being obedient is by always choosing the right and following the rules. Never being disobedient or never ctw. 

Basketball Player

Basketball Player

Duties and Responsibilities: Professional Basketball player are responsible for playing hard in every game and practice. Their jobs are also to better a great role model and to make their organization look good on and off the court. 

Salary: The highest payed basketball player this year is Kobe Bryant, for the 2015-16 basketball season he's making $25 million dollars.

Education: There required to have a high school diploma and to go to college for at lease a year.

Reflection: I would want to become a basketball player, actually i will become a basketball.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player

Student Success Statement
"What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player."
John Wooden

What John wooden is trying to say is that it really doesn't matter how good you are on the court but how well of a person you are off the court. I also think he means that people would like you more of how you are off the court more than on the court.

Dental Assistant

Dental Assistant

Duties and Responsibilities: The dental assistants job or duties is to seat the patients in a treatment area. They are also in charge of taking and developing the radio-graphs. Another thing they are responsible for is preparing the dental tools and equipment.

Salary: Dental assistants in California get about $63,000 

Education: No formal education required but you need your high school diploma and need on the job training. 
Reflection: I wouldn't like to be a dental assistant because I'm not very passionate about it.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Feel Right

"You cannot do wrong and feel right. It is impossible."
Ezra T. Benson

What Ezra T. Benson is saying is that you cannot do something wrong and not feel bad about it. What he means by "it is impossible" is that we all have emotions, and every time we doing wrong we always feel bad about it. That is what makes us human.
For example if you see an old lady struggling and you do nothing to help. Your going to regret it and feel guilty. Just like any other person would. We all have a heart and emotions. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Do good, feel good. Do bad, feel bad

"When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad"
-Abraham Lincoln

Reflection: What Abraham Lincoln is saying, is that each and every time he does something good he feels good about himself. Like when you get a good warm feeling in your stomach and you feel proud about yourself. Like when you help out your mom clean around the house or help your brother with his homework. Those things are things that make you feel good about yourself and of what you done. When you feel bad about yourself or you feel guilty. Like if you choose the wrong or if you choose to be disobedient. Some examples of doing bad is, like when  you choose not to help your mom or if your picking on your brother. These are few of the things that are bad. Overall what Abraham Lincoln is trying to say is that if you choose to do something good than your gunna feel proud of yourself but if you choose wrong then you gunna feel guilty.

Friday, September 18, 2015



"The key to freedom is obedience. The more obedient we are, the more freedom we have."

Reflection: This quote means that if your able to obey what your told(laws), then you could have all the freedom you want. But if you  CTW and decide to not follow the rules then you could all your freedom. Like for example if you decide to steal something and you get caught, then you could probably lose your freedom, like going to jail. An example of being obedient is following we others tell you to do if its for a good thing, like laws and rules.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Obedience is the great test of life

"Obedience is the great test of life"

Reflection:What this quote means is that most people can not be obedient, so for some people its a test to see if they can be obedient. For some people its hard for them to be obedient and obey the laws, so its like a test for them. 



Duties and Responsibilities: Cardiologist are physicians that have been trained how to prevent, diagnose and treat conditions of cardiovascular system, which includes the heart and body's blood vessels. 

Salary: Between $346,266 and 457,921 in the year 2011

Education: Must graduate from medical school, complete a residency and become board-certified in internal medicine,and then complete a fellowship in cardiology. You need six year of training, 3 in cardiology residencies and 3 in fellowship. 

Reflection: I wouldn't want to be a cardiologist, it looks like a hassle. I wouldn't be into being a cardiologist. 

Friday, September 11, 2015

911 Memorials

911 Memorials
When I first thing that pop to my head when I saw what happen to the Twin Towers, was how my lives died that day. And how they probably never got to tell their loves ones their goodbyes. This is one of America's most memorable and most tragic day in history. People say that American's never been the same since that day. Two airplanes hit both towers, one in each. Some people say that it wasn't just the airplanes that brought the towers down, but that they also use bombs to bring the towers down. Most people go away safe but 2,977 people died that day, not only people in the towers but also helping out like police men and firefighters. The first memory of the 911 attacks was horrifying and coward like. 
Reflection: My reflection on the 9/11 attacks are that, that day was a very sad and unforgotten day. All of people died that day and there was a lot of mother or fatherless kids that day. But this helped us realize how much vulnerable we are. This helped us know that we needed to be more secure. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015



"Education is the latch key to success in life"

Gordon B. Hinckley

The meaning of this quote is that the only way that you'll get where you want to get in life is by the education you have. This quote also means that without education you can't get anywhere in life. If you  want to become successful or excel in life then you have to have the education. For example if you were to ask a homeless guy why he's homeless, they more then likely would tell you because they dropped out of school. That shows that if you don't have education you would have a good future in life.



Duties and Responsibilities: Examine patients who have balance, hearing, or related ear problems. Assess the results of the examination and diagnose problems. Decides and administers the treatment.

Salary: $69,720 (annually) in 2012

Education:  You need a doctoral degree. You will have to specialize in either pediatric, geriatric, or educational audiologist.

Reflection:  I wouldn’t mind being an audiologist. I think there job looks interesting and it doesn’t looking that hard.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Athletic Trainer

Athletic Trainer
Duties and Responsibilities: Athletic trainers diagnose and treat injures to the bone and muscle under the directions of a professional doctor. They work with anyone who does any athletic activities.
Salary: $44,640 per year in May 2011
Education:  Require a minimum of a bachelor’s degree for athletic training, but master’s degrees are common. They have to study courses like anatomy, physiology, biomechanics and nutrition. Most states want a certification from the professor. 

Reflection: Yeah I would love to be an Athletic trainer because I would have the opportunity to work with professional athletes

Ambulance Dispatcher

Ambulance Dispatcher
Duties and Responsibilities: Answer 9-1-1 calls and determine the type of emergency and location. Decides the appropriate response based on agency procedures.
Salary: $36,300 in May 2012
Education: High school diploma, they must also pass a written exam and a typing test. Also pass a background test, lie detector test and drug test.

Reflection: No I would want to be an ambulance dispatcher because I’m don’t even like typing and that’s pretty much what they do.

Decisions Determine Destiny

"Decisions Determine Destiny"
Quoted By Thomas S. Monson

Reflection: I think quote means that what ever you decide to do in live will determine who you will be in the future. So if your lazy in life then you'll be nothing but a lazy bum, but you decide to work hard later on you'll be very successful. 



Duties and responsibilities:  Optician’s are responsible for checking for various eye features, they also check the corneal thickness and pupil distance. Optician’s are also responsible for suggesting various frame shapes, styles and colors, lenses and special lens coatings, like anti-glare materials to the patients.
Salary: $33,770 annually
Education: High school diploma with an on job training or apprenticeship; or a certificate, associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree in the optician career advancement system.

sReflection: No I would like to be an Optician because it looks like a hassle.


No I would like to be an Optician because it looks
like a

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

My name is...

My name is Andrew Soto, I like playing basketball more than anything. I'm a sophomore at HPIAM, my favorite subject is Math. I live with my mom and my 2 siblings.(1 sister, 1 brother).