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Monday, November 30, 2015

kindness is the essence of greatness

Student Success Statement
"kindness is the essence of greatness."
Joseph B. Wirthlin
I think what Joseph says is true because if your not kind them your can't be greatness. For example Diana isn't kind because she always saying that I suck. But in the other hand Alexa is nice(Kinda). Joseph is also true because kindness worth more than anything else. Without kindness the rest of your qualities are just a blur.
Thanksgiving Week

During the Thanksgiving Week I went to park to ball up because #ballislife. I went to the Christmas parade in h.p. with my family. I went to go watch a fight. Mostly I stayed home finishing up my homework. On Thanksgiving we went to my aunts house with my family and we stayed there till 3 am. After that we decided to go to Black Friday. I met some of my new family members.

Thursday, November 19, 2015


The first thanksgiving was in Plymoth Rock, Massachusetts in 1621. Thanksgiving is celebrated in several countries including Canada, United States, Liberia, The Netherlands, Germany, Japan, The Norfolk Islands. The pilgrims use to celebrate Thanksgiving after harvest and surviving a long winter. Thanksgiving always lands on the fourth Thursday in November. Many people have different family traditions in thanksgiving day. 

Reflection: I am thankful for:
  •  My health 
  • A house 
  • Comida 
  • Basketball
  • School
  • Clothes
  • Family
  • Life

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing

Student Success Statement
"Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing."
-Chick Moorman

Reflection: An example of what Chick Moorman means is that what the outcome in a game or life, the thing that is more valuable than winning or losing is doing the right thing. If you are fair and honorable you automatically win. You don't need a metal to tell you, you won it's what you think about yourself after the match that counts. If you tried your hardest played, fair, and right then what ever the outcome is wouldn't matter because you know you were fair and you gave it your all. For example if you didn't play right, cheated and not honorable but you won, it would feel like if you won because you'll feel horrible. 

Friday, November 13, 2015

3 magic keys to living your life with integrity

Student Success Statement
1. Have the courage to say no.
2. Have the courage to face the truth. 
3. Do the right thing because it is right.
W. Clement Stone

 Reflection: W. Clement Stone is trying to teach us that the top three ways too have integrity, is to be brave to say no. Even if your scared what people might think about you for saying no. Not even one is going to agree with you decisions, but if its the right thing to do, you shouldn't what others might think. He also says to have courage to face the truth, which in my understanding he means that you should never be scared to own up to something you did good or bad. You should never lie about something that is false. Facing the truth means to own up to your false acts but also to never lie about something even if its just a fib. Clement Stone also indicates that to do the right thing because it is right, what Clements Stone means is to also do the right thing, even in tough situations. Doing the right thing because you know it is right is the best way to have integrity because it shows that your better than the people who are ctw. Doing the right thing is about doing the right when everyone else is choosing the wrong.  

Business Owner

Business Owner

Duties and Responsibilities: Most business owners are responsible for answering phone calls, filling paperwork,buying office supplies, answering customer request.

Salary: Business owners make up to 68,000 dollars a year, depending on how successful your business is.

Education: Even though you don't need a college degree, it's more of a benefit to have one so you could understand your business more. Some of the various educational career paths are getting an associates degree, bachelors or masters degree in business administration, management or related field. 

 Reflection: I would love to be a business owner because business is always something I wanted to study in. I also know that I could use my leadership skip in this type of career.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Veterans Day

Veterans Day

  •  Veterans day is the holiday that is held on the day that world war I ended (November 11) to honor the US veterans and victims from the war. 
  • Veterans day is held on November 1
  • The purpose of veterans day is to honor all the veterans and victims who fought during the war.
  • It's important to show honor because millions of soldiers died saving our life this day.
  •  Some of the ways to show honor on veterans day would be by:
  1. Appreciate all the veterans 
  2. Spending time with your love ones
  3.  Donating to a veterans foundation
  4. Learn more about WWI

  • What interests me the most about veterans day is the way millions of people died but yet no one really knows how to celebrate veterans day.

Friday, November 6, 2015

He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed

Student Success Statement
"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but
a companion of fools shall be destroyed."
-Proverbs 13:20
Reflection: Another way of stating this would be, what ever crowd you choose to hang around with will determine the way you act. For example if you choose to hang around people who do dumb stuff, then eventually you will do the same. So the people that you hang around with the most has a huge impact on the type of person you are or that you will become. If you decide to hang around smart, responsible people you are more likely to start becoming more smart and responsible yourself. Most of the time you do stuff because others tell you to. This could be a good thing but this could also be a bad thing. All depending on the type of people you hang around with all the time. Most kids try to be a follower to the group and that could get some into trouble. That's only if he or she is hang with the wrong crowd. For example lets say if your hanging out with a good crowd, they probably would encourage you to start doing good things. So my advice would be to hang around people that you know are good and that you feel comfortable with. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The best recreation is to do good

Student Success Statement
"The best recreation is to do good."
-William Penn 

Reflection: William Penn means that if you do good, then you be able to enjoy yourself better. If you do bad you will feel bad and you won't been having as much fun as if you were doing good. The most enjoyable thing to do is to do good. One example of doing good to have recreation would be something like walking an old lady down the street. Another good example of having fun by doing good, would be by helping your mom out with chores. One example for doing bad and feeling bad would be, like no doing your homework. Also an example would be something like having to sit on the bench because you didn't go to practice. So the only real way to feel good, is by believe you did good. If you don't think you did good then you'll just be destine to doing bad. The only way to feel good and having fun is knowing you did something good.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it

Student Success Statement
"Right is right, even if everyone is against it; 

and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it."
William Penn

Reflection: Even if everyone is choosing wrong doesn't make it right for you to choosing wrong as well. For example if everyone is talking when the teacher told them not to, doesn't mean you should talk with them. The right thing to do would be to them to stop talking. Don't be a follower, be a leader. Another example would be if your friends decide to drink, and all of them are drinking. Only because they're all doing it, doesn't mean it's the right thing. Sometimes people do stuff because they see others doing it, but that doesn't mean they're all choosing the right. Most of the time people are going to be against you doing the right only because they're choosing to do the wrong. You should always choosing the right even if everyone else is doing the wrong thing. Don't ever be peer pressured into doing something. 


Health Educator

Health Educator

Duties and Responsibilities: A health educator is in charge on discussing with health specialists and civic group to determine community health needs. They also design and conduct evaluations and diagnostic studies to access the quality of performance of health education programs.

Salary: Health Educators earn up to 41,830 a year.

Education: You need a bachelor's degree of higher in health education, public health education or health promotion.

 Reflection: No I wouldn't like to be a health educator because it looks like a hassle.