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Thursday, June 9, 2016

Class Evaluation

Class Evaluation

  1. I liked that i got to learn how to type without having to look down all the time.
  2. I didn't like that we always had to type about CTR all the time, it was like all the posts we did led up to Choosing The Right.
  3. Different student success statements and different meaning towards them.
  4. A highlight for me in this class was when we were creating our blog because i had fun creating it. 
  5. Yes i did but i know i could have done a lot better.
  6. Yeah i do every single day and i always add on to it.
  7. Yes I am because i feel that that's always the best choice.
  8. That the best answer to no answer is to choose the right.
  9. I will always remember Mr.Haymore and his lectures and his CTR cards.

You will go far with CTR

"You will go far with CTR"
Image result for mr,haymore
Reflection: I agree with Mr.Haymore, if you're always choosing the right it will always open doors for you and opportunities for you. If you ctr I can back fire on you and eventually it will affect you more than you thought it would. Just by doing one little wrong thing it can set you back a whole lot fast than doing the right thing all the time. For example if you choose to not go to basketball practice because you feel to lazy, it will set you back a whole lot more than your other teammates who did go. But if you do choose the right and go to practice you'll become more better. It's not even just by going to practice it's better to be at practice and work harder and more than everyone else. You can go far by choosing the right because you'll never be thinking about the bad things you're doing because you're never doing any of those things. If you're always CTW, then you're pretty much always setting yourself back every time. By always doing the right thing people look at you differently they see you as more reliable and responsible. By doing that the coach can easily promote you to being captain and other things like that. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The Ultimate Choice

The Ultimate Choice
Of all the choices you will ever make, one choice supersedes all others-the ultimate choice. This one choice will help you to always make correct decisions for the remainder of your life. This one choice, The Ultimate Choice, is your keystone for being the best student and person you can possibly be. This one choice will forever affect you for good more than any other choice.
To be a CTR Person-to Always CHOOSE THE RIGHT 24/7!!!
Reflection: I agree with what this quote is trying to represent, the best thing to do is the right thing. Whenever you don’t know what to do the best thing to do is what you think is right. You will never regret doing what is right, and you will always feel good about it. Even if people don’t agree with what you have to say or do it doesn’t matter because you know you’re doing the right thing. By choosing to be a CTR person you are opening a lot of doors for yourself. People are able to respect you more and trust you a lot more as well. When you always choose the right not everyone is going to agree with you but it doesn’t matter because you know you’re doing the right thing. By becoming a CTR person you will attract a lot of new friends. Not only friends but friends that are respectful and trustworthy.

The Harmful Effects of Tobacco

The Harmful Effects of Tobacco
Image result for tobacco harm
Smoking tobacco can cause you to have trouble breathing and to cough a lot with phlegm. If you have asthma smoking tobacco can cause you to have more frequent attacks. Tobacco can also give you diseases like emphysema and can lead to lung cancer. There are more than 480,000 deaths every year because of tobacco and secondhand smoking. More than 16 million people have diseases cause by the use of tobacco. Nearly 9 out of 10 people who smoked have started when they were just a teenager. 73% of high schoolers were found to use tobacco  and 56% of middle schoolers were found smoking tobacco.  

Friday, June 3, 2016

beauty in character will be peace in the world

“If there is beauty in character, there will be peace in the world.”
Chinese Proverb
Reflection: I agree with this quote because the only way to have peace is for all of us to have good character. We have to respect one another and treat each other like we want to be treated. We can’t be hypocrites, but we have to make sure we’re always having good character. If we want something to happen we have to set the example. The things is that if have a good character means being someone i’m not then i would want to have good character. I rather just be myself but still respect other and treat them how i want to be treated. An example can be something like if someone does a favor for someone. Then that guys goes and does someone else a favor. That’s the only way that this could work. Someone has to set the example on how to have good character. I totally agree with quote by chinese proverb even though i might never happen.

Challenges Teens Face Today

Challenges Teens Face Today
One huge challenge teens face today is drugs and the pressure to study. Not only that but also to get into a good college, you also face pressure in a relationship. You constantly feel that you need to look good and you feel that you have to excel at everything. They might not be certain of the future which causes them to stress out. The two major challenges we face today is drugs and the pressure to study. I make sure to stay away from drugs and to not get caught up in them. I also make sure I study almost everyday at least once. Becoming a ctr person helps you realize the bad things about stuff and helps you know that if you do the right thing, you will always be rewarded. We can helps other teens with their problems by helping them with school work that they need help with. And to listen to the ones that have other types of problems and figure of a method on how to help them.
Reflection: The greatest need that i student has is education, and the ability to be able to learn a lot.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

It's better to fail with honor than win by cheating

It's better to fail with honor than win by cheating. After all, if you fail with honor you are still a winner

Malik Stewart is known as a good person because of one act he did, in the other hand Roman Chapa is known as a bad person because of how he cheated. In Malik Stewart’s story we learn that you should always do the right thing even in rough times. Even though he lost the match he decided to be a good sport and congratulate his opponents dad. Instead of being mad and walking away he did the right thing. In the other hand Roman Chapa and his story, he decided to cheating. Roman Chapa chose the wrong because he thought it could benefit him, which it did but not for long. He got caught and now he looks like a bad person because of one bad thing he did. Now he got his privilege to race taken away from him. Even though Malik didn’t win he will still be known as a winner. And even though Roman won he will always be known as a loser.

I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating

“I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating.”- Sophocles
I would have to agree with Sophocles, the best thing to do is be honest. Because then you wouldn’t be able to forgive yourself for winning by default or by cheating. You’re victory sure wouldn’t feel as good or the same than if you would have just did it the right way. For example if you were to cheat on one of your finals, and you end up getting 100% on it. You won’t feel as good as if you would have just studied and not cheated. More than likely you won’t be able to get that guilt out of your head. Just like Sophocles i would rather fail but do it the right way. Then cheat and win it all because then i would just feel guilty. Sophocles is also trying to say that the best thing to do is the honest and right thing. It will make you feel a lot more better than being dishonest.

Flu Shots prevents patient with heart failure from hospital

Flu Shots prevents patient with heart failure from hospital
Studies show that taking the flu shot can prevent heart failures, and can help out people with heart failures. The flu shot isn’t very effective on some patients with heart failures. The people involved with this event are people with heart failures and American Heart Association. Another person involved in this study is Dr. Robert Preidt. The action being taken upon this study is that they are trying to see if this method can work on most patients. So that they can use it to help other people with heart failures.

Reflection: I hope that the flu shot can help people with heart failures because it can help alot of people.