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Friday, April 1, 2016

April Fool’s Day

April Fool’s Day

April Fool’s is on every April 1st, the purpose of April Fools was to play practical joke on one another. The theory behind April Fool’s Day is that it was founded in 1582 when France switched their calendars from  the Julian calendars to the Gregorian calendars. The people who weren’t informed about this change and still continued to celebrate New Years in the begin on March throughout April 1st were joked on. They would also put paper fished on their back and call them “Poisson D’avril” which meant (April fish). This meant that they were seen as easily caught fish and gullible people. One of the pros about April Fool’s Day is that you get to prank people but one of the cons is that if you prank someone they can prank you back. Some interesting facts about April Fool’s Day is that no one really know when it began or why it did. April Fool’s Day is considered an official  holiday.

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